
Welcome welcome,

The purpose of this blog is to provide a connection between the community and healthcare. The information flow between healthcare and patient/client can easily become convoluted. I am here to bridge that gap and will do my best to provide up-to-date resources that are backed by evidence and research relating to common issues in healthcare. I will be posting the answers to questions, which we get in the clinic from current patients, and will be blogging about recent updates in medicine as well as any personal interests. Feel free to ask a question if you do not see what you are looking for on this blog.


Information provided should not be used to diagnose a condition or pathology. Information provided in this blog is not intended to take the place of a medical provider. Proper diagnoses require proper examination in a healthcare setting by a healthcare provider. A pathology can be individualistic and circumstantial for each patient/client. We are here to provide information for guidance and direction only. Please consult with a physician or healthcare provider before attempting to initiate any of our suggestions. 

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Ruth Ma OTS 2015 Kean University says:

    Hey guys,

    This is such an exciting event and I have shared your information with my fellow collegues. I would love to pick your brains on treatment plans when we all begin working!


    1. aylinmahmut says:

      Thank you Ruth Ma! Looking forward to having you as a guest writer or interviewee for our interview corner one day!


  2. Tugba A. says:

    Is it better to bounce in a stretch or sustain it? What are some muscle groups that I should be focusing especially during a warm-up?


    1. Aylin Mahmut says:

      Thank you for your question Tugba. Bouncing in a stretch is also called ballistic stretching which is ideal to perform prior to starting a workout or activity in order to warm up the tissue to prevent muscle pull. Static hold stretch is more beneficial after the activity/work out to help the muscle loosen up to get back to its original length.

      Focusing on bigger muscle groups such as quadriceps or hamstrings will create more heat therefore it s better to perform prior to a whole body work out such as crossfit or running. If you are doing a body part specific work out that day, for ex. you are in the gym to tone up your arms, you can start with rowing machine or upper bike to warm up.


  3. David says:

    I had acl surgery . I’ve started to play soccer again but my knee is still weak but now the bone right under the kneecap is like hurting me . What do you think it is ?


    1. Aylin Mahmut says:

      Hi David,
      It is very important to rehab post ACL surgery to return to everyday tasks without any trouble and also to prevent re-injury. Eliminating all the contributing factors is as important as rehabbing to reverse the debilitating effects of the surgery. It is really hard to make a diagnosis without actually seeing your knee since I do not know if you lack any motion, what your muscle strength is in different muscle groups, what kind of graft you had, what your activity level is like etc. As mentioned in one of our posts, it is likely to re-injure the operated knee so I would strongly encourage you to see a medical professional such as your surgeon, primary physician or physical therapist for a proper examination and diagnosis before your symptoms worsen.


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